In this call, we invite all international artists interested to present creation and research projects within the field of Artes Vivas, whether as individuals, companies, collectives, amongst others.
This call seeks to value creative processes over the production of pieces and support artists who investigate on practices that experiment around the body.
Residencies are the heart that mobilizes NAVE, and we see the artistic research as a space for the production of knowledge and critical thought, for the creation of alternative ways of relation with others and the exchange with surrounding contexts at a social, cultural and political level. Due to the previous, we are interested in projects that experiment with hybrid forms, –beyond its disciplinary frontiers–, which take risks in its practices, production modes and ways to propose its connection with the world.
We want to give support to those new creation and research projects, or that are in a development phase, as well as provide value to the proposals that give value to investigation and not only the production of a final piece. In this new call 2019, we propose two different types of residencies, opening for the second year the chance to carry out technical residencies in our space.
We believe important that the creative and research processes are shared and open in a way, so we expect all proposals for residencies to consider an exchange with the community, through a workshop, opening of processes, encountering situations, talks or any other participation form, with the aim that this action makes sense to each project and generates feedback to it.
Here below we detail the two types of residencies to which you can send your project:
- Creation and research residency:
Residency aimed to develop creative and investigative processes, regardless of the development phase in which the project is, with an emphasis in the experimentation within working studios.
> Space: White Studio, Studio 1, Studio 2, or Terrace
> Duration: 2 weeks minimum / 1 month maximum
- Technical residency:
Residence to investigate from a technical point of view with a focus on creation. The objective is to develop technical investigation processes exclusively, with technical equipment and accompaniment. This residency is oriented to artists that are interested in experimenting with the space and technical elements –lighting, sound and image– of the Theatre, and so they can dig deeply in their practices related to performative languages, no matter the development phase in which the project is. To give some examples, they can be research proposals on stage, lighting, sound, visual design, research on scenic devices, among others.
In this residence there will be NO opening of the investigation and a proposal of exchange with the community is not required.
This residence lasts 2 continuous weeks and is divided into 2 stages: a first for research and creation within the studios, which will be a preparation for a second stage in the Theatre, with technical infrastructure and support from the technical team of NAVE.
First week:
> Space: White Studio, Studio 1, Studio 2, or Terrace
> Duration: 1 week
Second week:
> Space: Theatre
> Duration: 5 following days
For more information on the general characteristics of the spaces, you can download our TECHNICAL RIDER of NAVE’s working spaces HERE.
This call is to program residencies between April 2019 and January 2020.
Projects must include a single PDF document of maximum 6 pages with the following information:
- Type of residency: (1) Creation and research residency or (2) Technical residency.
- Space: In the case of presenting a project for Residence (1), specify the necessary working space.
- Description: Presentation of the project, key questions, problematics, artistic view, references (esthetic, theoretical, etc.). In case your project is presented for Residency (2), detail what and how you are planning to investigate in technical terms (lighting, sound, audiovisual, among others).
- Working team: Mention the project team and specify the number of participants in the residence.
- Working plan: Working methodology and practical proposal on how to develop the project regarding schedule and phases, considering as well the inclusion of the exchange proposal with the community within the project.
- Technical rider: In the case of presenting a project for Residence (2), detail the preliminary technical rider, where technical needs are specified.
- Dates and duration: Establish ideal residency dates, with at least one alternative, and its duration.
- Accommodation: Mention how many people stay at NAVE during the residence.
- Exchange proposal with the community: Proposal on how the investigation will be shared, whether as a workshop, process opening or other way of participation. Applies only to Residence (1).
- Financing and support: Mention sources of financing for the project and other institutions that support it.
- Brief CV of the artist, company, collective or other, including the personal data of the person presenting the project (maximum 1 page).
- Links to previous projects of the authorship of the person presenting the project.
- Why NAVE?: Tell us why you wish to come to this specific context of Santiago de Chile and in particular to NAVE.
* Already premiered pieces will not be received.
* The working hours of the residences are between 10:00 and 18:00 from Monday to Friday.
* All documents must be in Spanish, English or French.
¿What does NAVE offer?
> Residency with use of working spaces. The rehearsing studios will be rent out in case the project has support from a fund that includes renting of work space.
> Accommodation in shared rooms and breakfast.
> Accompaniment from NAVE’s team on a technical, production, communication and content level.
> Dissemination in our platforms and associated medias.
* We are interested in artists that apply for a residency which are co-creators of their conditions for the projects, finding means of financing the production, transportation and per diems, which are NOT covered. In case your project is selected, NAVE will be able to hand support letters for the search of financing and partnerships for the project.
*The selection will be done by members of the team of NAVE*
We want to support projects that take risks, that reflect on its practices, that put itself in crisis, that transcend the disciplinary limits and the already known knowledge, that break its patterns, that feel urges, that put in tension habits of its own making, that are attentive to the body, to experience and relation with the other, the world and the surrounding backgrounds.
The results will be delivered during the month of January 2019 via e-mail.
> Send us your project with the subject “International Call 2019” to [email protected]