Poetic Monsters and Pedestrian Angels
For the last years Dinis Machado has been busy with generating dances and movement patterns out of encounters with eclectic parameters and interferences: from movement criteria, to tracing the remains of experiences, to assemblages of bodies and objects that produce third identities of collaboration.
Machado explores his discomfort both with binary gender normative understanding and mainstream exploitation of queer aesthetics, placing the question: when glitter aesthetics become merchandisable goods and produce the illusion of mainstream acceptance of queerness, where can the uncanniness of a doubting queer identity displace and inhabit?
Poetic Monsters and pedestrian angels of movement that find in fictional abstract bodies an escape for the limits of a normative and essentialist good taste, researching on expanding the possibilities of what and how a body can be. Embracing an overwhelming contamination of parameters with no apparent coherence, Machado explores how his body accepts to be penetrated, marked and moulded by this non human collaborations.
This workshop is open to participants initiated or self initiated in a performative practice within their bodies. The participants don’t need to have any kind of specific technical training to take part on the workshop but to bring the performative body sedimented, investigated and built around their bodies with their specific morphologies, histories, possibilities, identities and cultural backgrounds. The Workshop will develop from a series of tools and open scores to be resolved in relation to each participants specific body and performativity working more around a critical dancing then on the teaching of a closed technic.
The workshop is open to participants initiated in a performative practice within their bodies. The participants don’t need to have any kind of specific technical training to take part on the workshop, but to have a performative practice sedimented,investigated and built around their bodies with their specific morphologies,histories, possibilities, identities and cultural backgrounds.
Target audience
Any artist or individual interested in developing a performative practice (for a over 16 public).
Day: Wednesday, 11th of April
Time: 10:00 to 14:00 hrs.
Place: NAVE- Libertad 430, Santiago Centro (by metro Cumming/Quinta Normal)
***Activity free of charge with prior prior registration
Sign up HERE