23 y 24 de mayo de 2016

THE WEATHER™ LAB takes place in the days before the presentation of THE WEATHER ™, aiming to include participants in the performance.
In this workshop, Mariana Tengner Barros will transmit choreographic tools to the participants and share a sequence of movements that will be presented as a key moment on 26th and 27th May in NAVE.
Therefore, participants will have the opportunity to partake the performance as interpreters, while at the same time, experience the working methods and dynamics of the artist.
Participation in the laboratory and all instances is free of charge.
Participants should have the following availability for laboratory, rehearsals and performances:
Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th May | 10:00 to 13:00 hrs.
Tuesday, May 24: 14:00 to 18:00 hrs.
Wednesday, May 25. Time to be announced.
Thursday, May 26. Time to be announced.
Thursday 26 and Friday 27 May. 20:00 hrs.
Profile participants: 16+ with some experience in dance, or theater performance.
Open call deadline:: May 18 at 1pm
This activity has the support of the Embassy of Portugal in Chile / i.p Camões and the Portuguese Government – State Secretary of Culture / Direção- Geral das Artes