Anatomy, the glance of the others
Selected as part of the National Open Call on Artes Vivas, the choreographer Daniela Marini, together with the doctor and composer Pablo López, will be working on a dialogue between dance and medicine.
For this residency the artists propose a field of experimentation where the main material is the use of the body and its biological constitution, both in its visceral palpability and its ethereal abstraction, which is reflecting on the echographic image. This will be the starting point for the investigation at its kinetic, as well as affective and socio-political potential.
A dialogue between medicine and dance, where the body is both the meeting point and the site of expansive potency.
The texts “58 indicios sobre el cuerpo” by Jean Luc Nancy and “Tratado de Anatomía” by Dr. Julius Tandler (1928 edition) will be used as a theoretical reference.
The deep meaning of temporality, both for movement and the millenary evolution of the human body, will be explored by applying the ancient, and at the same time modern, scientific concepts of Dr. Tandler. Everything will be finally reflected on the modernity of the echography in its movement.
The artists propose to work in relation with the declarations on “choreography” and “practice” realised by Alice Chauchat (CAIRON 14, Journal of dance studies, 2012), as a transversal axis.
The working team is composed by the escenic creator, Daniela Marini, and the doctor and composer Pablo López.
Their process will count with two instances of opening that will be informed soon.
**This project counts with the support of the Faculty of Arts Dance Department of Universidad de Chile