The Inefficient Body
During my residency at NAVE I intend to work on creating a movement practice that celebrates the inefficient body, as a means to physically work against the idea of productivity of the body.
My interest is to challenge the notion that dancers require the capability to move with ease, with out struggle and with efficiency as this enforces the capitalist notion of productivity. I will concentrate on the notion of the in-efficient body, especially in relation to the field of dance and choreography. I want to explore how I might be able to create a body of resistance, a body that can provide an alternative way of being in this world, in this society.
For the first part of the process, I intend to create a physical practice, an in-efficient body training, that can function as “resistance” training.
This practice may or may not include enjoyment as subversive potential, hesitation instead of flow, persistent disturbance, effort in body and in thought, resistance of the natural body, resistance of the free and creative, and/ or the use of destruction.
Ultimately, my goal is to devise a practice that can be shared as well as in the future build a solo that is based on this practice.