[FUNCIÓN] 2 de mayo / 20 hrs.

Young boy dancing group (YBDG) is a performance dance collective led by Manuel Scheiwiller in close collaboration with Maria Metsalu and Nicolas Roses. The group deals critically with modes of dance production, digital culture, institutionalization and authenticity. The work ranges from videos, fashion, sculptures and at its core live dance performances which are often structured improvisations influenced by post-apocalyptic scenery, acrobatics, post-humanism and DIY aesthetics and methods.
YBDG by its nature has a queer identity and follows the sex and body positive guidelines. YBDG intends to create a safe space where the performers freedom can be explored while simultaneously challenging the norm of the heteronormative imagery of our society.
YBDG intends to create a safe space where the performers freedom can be explored while simultaneously challenging the norm of the heteronormative imagery of our society. Anxiety tour is the third tour of Young boy dancing group and first one outside of European continent, going through central and South America.
At each presentation they work with 2-5 local performers in order to be locally more integrated, aiming to create and establish communities and to be financially more flexible. Young Boy Dancing Group was always about a network of like-minded dancers and performers from all over Europe. With this tour we want to extend this network to South America.
Artistic Data
Organisational team Manuel Scheiwiller, Nicolas Roses, Maria Metsalu
Performers Manuel Scheiwiller, Nicolas Roses, Maria Metsalu, Rodrigo Sobarzo, Camila Oliveira, Lizz, Josefina Dagorret.
Date: May 2nd
Time: 20 hrs.
Address: NAVE Libertad 410. Santiago. (Station Cumming / Quinta Normal)
Ticket cost: $1.500 students, elderly and neighbors. $3.000 general, 2×1 La Tercera. The ticket office open 1 hour before every performance.
Funding Pro Helvetia